Brand Assets

As part of our new VBSR website, we are updating all member logos and collecting photos that best represent each brand. This is your chance to share with us the latest and greatest from your organization – including a brief Organization Description (your “boilerplate” or “elevator speech”) – so we can show your best side on the new site!

Can you please take a few minutes to share your best assets with us in the form below?

Specifications to keep in mind:


  • Resolution: Anything 300 PPI (pixels-per-inch) or over is preferred
  • Size: anything at least 1,400 pixels wide is perfect.
  • Ratio/Orientation: Landscape/Horizontal rectangle in roughly a 2:1 ratio is best (i.e. 1400w x 700h, 1500 x 750h, etc.)
  • Formats: PNG, JPG, ,SVG, TIFF or GIF

Note: These are expected to be “hero” photographs of your storefront, headquarters, client experience, product line, etc. – not an advertisement or promotional flier. If you’re a ski resort, let’s see your slopes! If you’re a restaurant, let’s see your signature dish being enjoyed! If you make clothing, let’s see it in action!


  • Resolution: 300 PPI or more
  • Size: we can work with anything as low as 600 pixels wide (but will take larger if you have it!).
  • Ratio/Orientation: Square (1:1 ratio) is preferred if your logo lends itself to that configuration – if not, don’t worry about it, just send what you’ve got.
  • Formats: PNG, JPG, or SVG

Note: This is your full-color logo we want, not a single-color “knockout”.

    Once you select “Submit” just give it a second to upload and then you should see a “Thank you!” page – then you’re done!

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